Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Now Twitter Search Results Display Names Too

When we search a particular person on Twitter we get a lot of results but most of them are of no use. Previously i used to search people of Twitter using name search option but recently Twitter rolled out its new feature in which Twitter injects name results into searches on twitter.com when you do a regular search for a name.

As you can see name results now appear just above regular realtime tweet results for name searches. These names are displayed horizontally. This feature is very useful as you get the actual account of that person is these results. For example if i search for Shashi Tharoor, i get verified account of shashi tharoor in the results.

In the search results verified account are shows with a little blue checkbox next to name, and this feature is going to help celebrities to get more followers as fake accounts are least likely to be displayed in the search results.